Welcome to APR Plastics
The Home of Soft Plastics Recycling Solutions
APR Plastics has taken a wholistic view of soft plastics and found solutions for Australia’s growing soft plastics recycling challenge. Click on the links or scroll down to learn more.
- Advanced Recycling
- Scrunch able soft plastics
- Mechanical Recycling
- Clear Soft Plastics
- Soft Plastics Products
- Builders film solutions
Our Environmental Commitment
APR Plastic recognises its environmental obligations, both locally and globally, to present and future generations. We will strive towards zero waste to landfill through waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
At APR Plastic, our services provide household recoverables and processing solutions that maximise the capture of resources from the waste stream.
APR Plastic will operate in a manner, which protects the environment, especially the health of our valued staff.
Our Values
Our values represent who we are and are the core of our business:
Biofabrik WASTX
Cost Less
APR Plastics Open Day

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Australians were at a loss when the country's largest soft plastic recycling program REDcycle collapsed last month.

Victorian-based APR Plastics, sister company to Australian Paper Recovery and APR Kerbside, is finding success in its trial of running…

APR Plastics is introducing an Australian-first to help solve the nation’s plastic recycling problem.